People usually have always clear ideas about other people and are able to judge others before they judge themselves. This might be just a typical human habit and some opinions might even be somewhat substantiated by personal experiences. Although not all people are the same, however, we usually tend to generalize behaviours and characteristics and quickly draw general conclusions from one or a few to the whole lot.
Having lived in the Persian Gulf (or the Arabian Gulf as the Arabs call it since Jamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt) for quite a while now, I've heard a lot about Arab opinions on Europeans. Although, as a European, I might not agree with all of them, I'm still content with the way they judge European work and professional ethics, which refelct a mostly very positive picture. On the other hand, the Arab Gulf States' image is very different with regard to work and professional ethics. Again, I have met some people who might fit the picture that is summarized in this cartoon, but I also have met those, who work hard alongside the many foreign workers that keep flocking the rich Golf region.
Criticism is not something people can take easily here and they certainly wouldn't like to be labelled as slave keepers, but to be honest, with regard to the hundred of thousands of cheap labour workers, this cartoon is not an unfair portrayal. May be it's true, what they say about money, which is accused of spoiling man's character. For many people I met, this is equally a fair judgement.
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