Friday, October 27, 2006

The Holy Shrine

Nadjaf in Iraq is the historical site of a regular impressive religious pageant with spiritual and political background ...

… because there is the shrine of Imam Ali, the fourth caliph in the line of successors of the Prophet Mohammed and on the obit of the Imam in Ramadan, just like recently, more than two million pilgrims come to the city even from abroad despite the real danger of terror attacks. Thus the question arises for whom and why would these people risk their lives?

Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Mohammed, is according to Shiite believe the rightful successor of the Prophet. Despite (in accordance with Shiite conception) clear instructions of the Prophet, however, his companions elected Abu Bakr, the Prophet's close friend and father-in-law, as his successor. The followers or "Shia" of Imam Ali were since then considered a splitting-off, thus the unity of the Muslims had already broken up at least emotionally with the Prophet's death; a critical development that has fatal consequences to this day for Muslims, both theoretically and practically.

The question regarding the rightful successors of the Prophet is still a point of serious dispute between the sects and influences strongly their political and theological interpretations of Islam. The majority worldwide are Sunnis, while the Shiites who were often persecuted and fought against throughout history have the majority only in very few Islamic countries, such as Iran, Iraq and Bahrain. This old conflict between Sunnis and Shiites about the Prophet's rightful successors is also a reason for the fighting and bloodshed between Muslim brothers, like in Iraq these days, because some Sunnis consider the Shiites to be infidels just as the American and European "enemies" of Islam. Therefore this theological question remains important and of concern for many Muslims, who nowadays discuss it on different television programs and in various conferences with fierce and impetuous disputes.

Moreover, the holy shrines of a number of important religious personalities of Islam are situated in Iraq, mainly that of Imam Ali and Imam Hussain, the son of Ali and his wife Fatima Az-Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet. The family members of the Prophet who are revered by all Muslims did not die their honoured martyr-death while fighting the unbelievers, but they were killed by their own Muslim brothers, who wanted to get rid of them in an inner political struggle in order to secure their own power. This is why millions of Shiite pilgrims visit the shrines of the Imams for their obits in order to commemorate the martyrdom in their fight for justice, truth and against oppression.

At night when the processions take place the illumined shrines covered in gold and crystal tower out of the darkness showy and lofty shining like a treasure. The pilgrims often bear great strains in order to take part in these processions. On the eve of the 21st of Ramadan the streets are packed with pilgrims in commemoration of Imam Ali, many dressed in black, the colour of mourning. The pilgrim masses mourn in different groups by singing choral tones or melodies about sorrow but also about actual historical subjects, the so-called "Azza", during which many beat with their bare hands vigorously on their chests or heads; a strange but impressive and noisy pageant for the ignorant observer.

The emotion-filled and zealous rallies in support of "Ahlul Bayt", the Prophet's family, that are demonstrated there on every orbit of the Prophet or one of the leading 11 Imams excel the previous event, especially since the end of Saddam's dictatorship. What is more, the Shiites do not simply and quietly perform some commemoration rituals, but show during these occasions their determination and spiritual affiliation for the Prophet's family unfamiliar to others, which infuriates many Sunnis, who are angry about the display of such opposing vigour against their ascendancy.

The history of the followers of the Imams is marked by a struggle of defence against the despotic rulers of their times fighting oppression and tyranny, which has left deep wounds in the relationship between the sects. Their zeal and dedication which the Shiites so openly demonstrate during their processions is obtained from this very history and those very wounds. The importance of such traditions that the Shiites show off so impressively during their processions and "Azza" traditions should not be underestimated, because they constantly question therewith the veracity and legitimacy of the Sunni Islamic governments, by relentlessly reminding their followers of the circumstances and political backgrounds of the martyrs' death of the beloved family members of the Prophet and their faithful companions.

The sects' dispute is (since almost 1400 years) unfortunately also the reason for sometimes fierce fighting and terrible human loss on both sides, especially for the Shiites who are in the minority, as for instance the massacres of the Shiite population by the former Iraqi dictatorship or the numerous suicide attacks in Iraq nowadays in areas with a high Shiite population density that are mostly committed by Sunni extremists..

Although Shiite leaders (including Sayed Hassan Nasrallah and Sayed Fadlalla in Lebanon, Sayed Sistani in Iraq or Sayed Ali Khamanai in Iran) constantly caution their followers not to allow the provocations from some Sunni fanatics to be the reason for a new civil war, but insist on the unity of all Muslims, the situation remains very dangerous. Another Sunni school of thought, that equally strives to return to the original and pure form of Islam, is called Wahhabism from Saudi Arabia (originated through their founder Mohammed Ibn Abdel Wahab, about 1703 till 1791). Osama bin Laden & Co also belongs to this sect. They are not friends of the Shiites, to say the least, but they consider the Shiites to be apostates and thus infidels, why they are strictly observed and controlled under Sunni governments (as in Saudi Arabia or by the Taliban in former Afghanistan). Hence, it came as a surprise that for the first time a few leading Wahabis commented positively on the strategic victory of the Shiite Hezbollah in the recent war with Israel.

The differences, however, seem impossible to be settled or even to find a compromise. This conflict does not only have a negative impact on the Muslim community on different levels but it also weakens it. The continuous conflict between the sects, nevertheless, benefits especially those who are interested to disturb the political structures between Muslims and to destabilize their power in order to enlarge their own influence in Islamic countries. This is also a subject during the processions at night in front of the Imams' shrines; an impressive pageant not only with spiritual but especially with a political background – a kind of oath of allegiance to the Prophet and the Imams, inclusive of a pledge by the pilgrim in form of a possible martyr's death in case of a terror attack.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Guerillas or Socio-Political Organization – the role of Hezbollah in Lebanon

While the US Administration and the West view Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, it means something totally different to the Lebanese Shiite Muslims and the Arabs nowadays.

During the civil war in Lebanon in the nineteen eighties the establishment of Hezbollah was a necessity for the Lebanese Shiite Muslims to defend themselves from the Israeli invaders. But their role was not limited to mere liberation fighters. They set up a social services and information network starting from organizing health services for their people, caring for their windows and orphans, schooling and education as well as spiritual support in times of hardship and fear. They even established their own satellite channel with a wide range of programs including news in different languages, documentaries, Arabic soap series, children programs and special feature programs on religious occasions.

In 2000 when the Israeli army pulled out of South Lebanon Hezbollah had given their people a sense of integrity and security, new hope and assurance that they were cared for, not forgotten and helpless people, they had returned their dignity. They had and still have, of course, help from friends, just like Israel receives continuous help and support from her friends in the Western world. It is Hezbollah's success that poses a threat to Israel and in the minds of many people in the West, who would rather want to get rid of Hezbollah. Hence, for Israel Hezbollah is a dangerous element obstructing peace in the region.

A new war started when Hezbollah seized two of Israel's soldiers and killed eight others during an operation that was originally planned to trait these captives with many Lebanese and Palestinians who had been captured by Israel during their continuous incursions into Lebanon in the past and actions against the Palestinian uprising. The reaction of Israel shocked the world. Opinions differed and support for both sides could be found. But what was unprecedented and probably unexpected was the support Hezbollah, a pure Shiite organization, gained from all over the Arab and Muslim world.

Famous and liberal Arab actors spoke their support on TV for Hezbollah's leader Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, calling the resistance not only an Islamic but "humanitarian uprising" that had restored the honor and pride of the Arabs and Muslims. The Lebanese mostly Shiite civilians, who suffered so terribly under the relentless bombardment of Israel's military airpower, would woe their unshaken support for Hezbollah. All over the Arab world people demonstrated with Hezbollah flags and carried the picture of its leader. On people's cars and in shops or homes in the Middle East these pictures are still increasingly displayed. It seems that Hezbollah is actually much more than a resistance group or militia in their people's hearts and it definitely proved itself to be very different from the picture that the West would like to portray, namely a bunch of daring terrorists. But whatever the view on Hezbollah, what is their secret, if there is any, for their success?

From the Shiite perspective it is actually no secret at all. They openly declare it every day on their TV channel Al Manar, which Israel had tried to destroy right from the beginning of the recent war. Rather than trying to destroy the voice of Hezbollah, the attentive observer would recognize the very vital source of insight it offers. The speeches of Sayed Nasrallah are inspiring for his followers in which he indicates the fundamental philosophy of their struggle, but that is not always recognized by non-Shiite viewers. Closing one of his speeches, Sayed Nasrallah ended with a quote; a quote from Lady Zainab, the granddaughter of the Prophet Mohammed, the sister of the revered martyr Imam Hussain. Although the Western press has mentioned occasionally the fact that Shiism has a special connection to this martyrdom, it does not understand the significance of this historic event for Shiite Muslims in particular and Islam in general.

The quote of Lady Zainab as recited by Sayed Nasrallah is the fuel for the Shiite cause. It makes Shiites view their dead and martyrs not as loss in the battle of resistance but as encouragement towards a final outcome. As a result they are not scared of losing their soldiers and even civilians. But although deeply saddened, they understand this struggle to be the continuing revolution of Imam Hussain against tyrants and aggressors. Imam Hussain had refused to pay allegiance to Yazid, the powerful ruler at the time, who was an oppressive and arrogant leader to the Islamic Umma, the Muslim people. Yazid had sent his troops to confront Imam Hussain who was on his way from Mekka to Kufa on a stop with his caravan in Kerbala. Because Imam Hussain refused to submit to a ruthless and hypocritical leader, history recalls the cruel massacre of his male household and close companions on the day of 'Ashoura'. Afterwards the female members and only one very sick male survivor, the Imam's son Ali, were taken captive and delivered to Yazid along with the severed heads of Imam Hussain and those of his close companions to be humiliated even further in front of Yazid's court in Damascus.

So what did Lady Zainab say after she had witnessed the massacre of her male family members and close companions who were only a few against an army of hundreds? Challenging Imam Hussain's sister Zainab, Yazid asked her what she would say after she had seen what he was able to do to her family. But Lady Zainab was not devastated as Yazid must have expected. Her speeches have been remembered since, her unbroken dignity and faith became the pillars of resistance against injustice and aggression: "You did what you wished, but remember that you have cut your own skin. … On that occasion (on the Day of Judgment) you will be burdened with the sins of the misdeed committed by you … Feel not elated with our defeat, for you will have to pay the penalty of it on the day when you will be rewarded for your misdeeds. God is not unjust to anyone. We trust in Him. He is our place of refuge. In Him we seek sanctity and with Him rest our hopes! …, nor can you wipe out the ignominy you have earned for yourself by your abominable and vile performance. Your decisions are poor and your days are numbered. … - God's curse be on tyrants and transgressors" (source:

With these words, well-known by all Shiites, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah closed his speech, truly effective and highly motivating for his people; and as a warning for the dominant Israeli military power, for Yazid, being the head of the superpower of his time, disappeared three years afterwards and was never seen again. The resistance of Imam Hussain and his family ending in martyrdom, however, is to this day commemorated every year by millions of Shiites as a symbol of their freedom, dignity and rejection of aggression with zealous emotions and the call "every land is Kerbala and every day is Ashoura". Even famous non-Muslim personalities of modern history have recognized the significance of 'Ashoura', like Mahatma Ghandi who commented that he had "learned from Hussain how to be defeated and yet achieve victory".

The outcome of the latest war, despite the great price paid by Lebanese civilians and also Israelis, is a stronger Hezbollah with an increased support from Arabs and Muslims all over the world and a discredited Israeli government. Cynical voices might even speculate that Israel has done Hezbollah a great favor, rather than clip it. Hezbollah has more than ever become a firm part of Lebanon's politics on which lay great hopes and expectations from many Lebanese people and Muslims. Hezbollah has achieved a higher position than its status quo ante in the Arab and Muslim world thanks to an ignorant and rash Israeli "act of self-defense". However, it seems that it is not only their improving guerilla tactics and organizational skills that are able to challenge military superiority. The question is what role does their strong faith and spiritual background play in their success?

Judaism, Christianity and Islam believe in Monotheism and divine signs and warnings have been part of all religions and histories. But despite secularism and alternative beliefs or ideologies nowadays, time and again people remember these handed down signs and warnings, which cause even people of modern times to bethink these and consider the spiritual approach more serious than contemporary scientists, experts or politicians would like to admit. The increasing interest in religion in Europe and North America shows this trend to become somewhat more influential in the interpretation of worldly affairs. As for their becoming reality we have to wait and see. For the moment, however, the signs seem to be in favor of Hezbollah who declared their victory with a public celebration of hundreds of thousands of Lebanese from all sects and sectors, and a special appearance from their leader Sayed Nasrallah, whom Israel has vowed to keep on hunting, but who has become recognized in his role by many others.