Women Issues
There are endless discussions about women in Islam, their rights, their duties, their problems, comparisons between Muslim women and Western women, about freedom and human rights regarding women, especially Muslim women. Much has been said and written. More women are fighting for their rights and yet more are suffering. And although many Muslims claim that a Muslim woman has all the necessary rights and freedom in Islam, so many Muslim women still suffer from abuse and lack of respect. There are a million and more sad or worrying or appalling or unbelievable or infuriating stories about Muslim women, who were burnt, stoned, raped, forced into marriage, stripped of their basic human rights, treated badly or disrespectfully, denied education, or just prevented from choosing for themselves.
And although we all know hat Islam and the traditions of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) teach us differently, the causes for Muslim women problems still lie in the many twisted so-called Islamic cultural practices. Change is slow and hindered by many obstacles. It's ironic that so many of our Western convert-sisters are the pioneers for change in the situation of Muslim women. And it's equally ironic that we Muslim convert-ladies find more tolerance and acceptance in traditional Islamic societies to change things than our Asian or African sisters. It's a long way, but, as we all know, a journey of a tousand miles starts with the first step. So, just keep on walking.